I'm starting this new blog, hopefully to:
Inspire other people to post pictures taken on their cellphones; from long trips, or funny people, to trips to the store or anything interesting; whatever they feel the need to snap a picure of with their cellphone cameras.
Feel free to post whatever you care to- (
as long as ----- it is nothing offensive or pornographic or violates any policy terms of this website).
Please post pics, that: Depict something of interest------somewhere you never thought you'd be ----- somewhere you don't ever want to go again ----- someone you met with your family ---- or of something you thought, "This would be a great picture to share".
In the spirit of the open road or just to the market, you gotta see these pics, post your phone photos, your cellie pix n flix, keep it going or pass it on pics, whatever you can think of or would like to share.
If you are going on a trip --- you can post a pic every so often on your trip to help document it ---- major points of interest ---- islands on vacation ---- interesting people- even the worst photos you have are worth sharing or saving ---
at least you can post an awful picture and - SAVE -1000 words ...................... (that's alot of typing to a blogger).